There’s way more under the surface. Dig much deeper with T.A.I.S. employment aptitude test
Digging deep into a candidate’s core abilities can mean the difference between choosing an individual who will drive success and one who will ultimately stall progress or become a liability to the performance of your company.
A highly engaged person is a highly productive person. Concentration skills and the ability to pay attention to the right cues are critical determinants of success or failure in any performance situation. Through The Attention and Interpersonal Style Inventory (T.A.I.S) employment aptitude test, John Harper is able to predict how an individual will respond to specific business challenges. In addition to providing insight on an individual's ability to change channels, centre thought and master recoveries, T.A.I.S. identifies the most common cognitive challenges that prevent an individual from performing at optimum levels: lack of skill-learning, lack of ability, lack of mental agility and loss-of-control issues.
What is T.A.I.S.?
A precision cognitive test used around the world for the selection and training of high-level performers.
A fast and dependable method to identify an individual’s ability to adapt, focus and recover in high-pressure situations.
A 144-item, self-report questionnaire that measures twenty different concentration skills, personal and interpersonal attributes, which can be thought of as the building blocks of performance.
A practical method to predict success in specific performance situations
Why a T.A.I.S. employment aptitude test should be part of your people strategy
Whether you’re making a hiring selection, considering an individual for a promotion, creating a succession plan or assessing marginal performers, T.A.I.S. ensures you make the right decision to move your business forward.
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John raised the level of talent and performance at Nestle Professional Beverages (North America). His charter was to ensure that we had the “right people in the right places” to develop personal growth plans for each leader and to improve the effectiveness of our teams. And the results were outstanding.
Gary Viljoen, President - North America
Nestle Professional Beverages
Are you performing at peak levels?
T.A.I.S. will help you understand yourself, identify traits hindering your performance, and help you be at your best when it matters most.