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Leadership assessment transforms senior leaders into self-aware, elite performers.

A large majority of people think they know themselves. In reality, only about 15% of us are truly self-aware.


To be a high-performing leader, you first have to clearly understand your wiring, how you’re perceived by others and the effect you have on them. Leaders and people managers who are self-aware and deployed correctly will drive engagement and grow a business with sustainability.

Let John Harper analyze your candidates or employees and use psychoanalysis testing to determine a true leader. 

Employee assessment:

What does elite performance look like?

We know what it takes to be successful: emotional intelligence, the ability to pay attention to relevant cues, agility, mental bandwidth, emotional balance, grit and determination are just some of the factors required to lead and succeed at high levels.


So what gets in the way of a leader performing at peak levels? That question needs to be answered before attempting to modify a person’s normative behaviour. Why modify behaviour? Because most people don’t realize the emotional impact they have on others.

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Like a fish is oblivious to the importance of the water it swims in, we are oblivious to the impact of our personality

A person’s reality is what they see through their filters. John Harper helps leaders understand their personality and its impact on others. Knowing oneself and seeing oneself through the lens of others can make a world of difference to a leader’s ability to engage team members, pay attention to the right things, communicate clearly on a vision and next steps, and ultimately move the needle on your business.

Leadership assessments deepen leaders’ self-awareness and unlock their peak potential

John works with leaders and managers to discover current capabilities and barriers that will be key performance indicators to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and to become energized to effectively manage themselves and be received positively by others.


To begin, John conducts a Behavioural Interview to gain an understanding of an individual’s current strengths and the behaviours that need to be modified moving forward, and to evaluate and enhance the future of their success. The individual will then complete a series of online leadership assessments.


Upon completion of the leadership assessments, John spends an intensive half-day or full-day session with the leader to discuss their naturalness, tendencies, inclinations, mental wiring and the behavioural items that enhance and hinder performance. It is a frank, open and revealing two-way session that provides the leader with a deepened self-awareness, a thorough understanding of true drivers plus prescriptive behaviour modifications (self-coaching) techniques that are guaranteed to improve leadership performance. Self-coaching is supported by a 20+ page report.  Talk to John about using leadership assessments to transform your leaders and move your company forward. 

Top 5 for Leadership:
  • Manages complexity

  • Makes quality decisions

  • Ensures accountability

  • Drives results

  • Is a nimble learner


Top 5 for Leader’s Emotional Intelligence:
  • Is self-aware

  • Drives engagement

  • Manages ambiguity

  • Possesses resilience and courage

  • Collaborates with team

I use John as our spirit guide as we try to interpret psychometric evaluations - a process that is half science and half human experience. Once we’ve identified top talent, we can start from scratch to build dynamic teams. John guides us through that. He has changed how we do business completely.


Dan Davies, CEO

The Meat Factory

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